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Fresh Perspectives




We recently had the privilege of hosting Kelli Youngblood as a guest on our podcast, and one profound statement she shared during the recording resonated with me deeply. Kelli said, "There are givers and takers, but there are also receivers. To not receive well is to rob people of the joy of giving." This simple yet powerful insight left me in awe, redefining my perspective on the act of receiving.

We've all encountered moments when we've tried to offer a gift to someone, only to have them refuse, saying, "I just can't accept this," or insisting that they'll pay you back. In other instances, the person may behave as if they don't truly want or appreciate the gift, saying, "You really didn't need to do this." In such situations, refusing to accept a gift can signify an unwillingness to acknowledge that we have a need, and someone is genuinely attempting to fulfill it. We may subtly convey, "I don't need that from you, and I won't accept it." Often, this resistance to the kindness and generosity of others stems from a sense of pride, thinking, "I have more than you do, so keep your gift. You need it more than I do."

How can God teach us the grace of giving if no one is willing to show the grace of receiving? Acts 20:35 says you should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: "It is more blessed to give than to receive.” But for this to happen, someone must be willing to be blessed by receiving.

Taking a closer look at Scripture reveals that God encourages us to acknowledge our needs rather than conceal them. Asking for help isn't a declaration of failure; it's an acknowledgment of how God intricately designed us. The story begins with Adam, whom God crafted with a need for assistance from another person. Subsequently, God created Eve with a specific purpose in mind, stating, "It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him." (Genesis 2:18) Even before sin entered the world, it was God's intention for us to both need and offer help.

Reflect on this: your capacity to serve others hinges on their willingness to receive your help. If pride consistently stood in the way, the exchange of assistance would be impossible. Vulnerability with others hinges on humility, and accepting help signifies that we are not entirely self-sufficient. We are inherently interconnected, meant to lean on one another. Seeking assistance is not an emblem of weakness; rather, it's a testament to how our Heavenly Father created us. So remember, the next time someone offers a helping hand, receive well because that’s what God commanded us to do.

To listen to Kelli’s podcast recording, click HERE.

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